ADAM FIDLER - Strategic Executive Assistant™ 

International EA/PA Coach & Trainer, Principal and Founder of Adam Fidler Academy.

Adam is a renowned global trainer who offers inspirational teaching and learning for PAs, EAs and business support professionals. After graduating with a degree in business studies in 1999, Adam worked as a corporate Board-level Assistant in a variety of organisations, including The Boots Company PLC, Bank of America and Salford City College. He qualified as an academic teacher in 2008 and has, since then, educated hundreds of Assistants all over the world.

Adam Fidler’s CPD Accredited Strategic Executive Assistant™ training covers

  • Business strategy for the EA
  • Developing your own executive presence – your personal journey
  • EA Success Factors™
  • and so much more!

To be outstanding, today’s Executive Assistants need to develop a stronger sense of self-worth and a much deeper and broader understanding of the business world.  This is where Adam’s coaching and consultancy services come in. Contemporary Executive Assistants need to be proficient in the undefinable side of management and have the ability to work courageously in an ever-changing environment we now call the business world. From decision-making, influencing and leadership, Executive Assistants need confidence, clarity and focus to partner with those they support.


By definition, the role of Executive Assistant is more challenging than ever and sometimes additional support via an outside expert is beneficial for both the EA and their Leader. Adam Fidler Academy provides learning and development opportunities for Executive Assistants, PAs and business support professionals who may already at the top of their game, but need fresh perspectives to enhance their role and extend the value they add to their Executive.


Strategic Executive Assistant™ dates (Ireland)

Level One | Monday January 29th.

Level Two | Tuesday January 30th.

*Please note you can register for one or both days but you must complete foundation Level One before attending Level Two.

To find out more about course content, fees and to register contact aisling@executivepaforum.com 

In addition to the above, Adam offers consultancy and advice on restructuring administrative teams, support with role profiles and job descriptions, and competency frameworks that maximise the success of EA role. Adam also offers three-way coaching, with the Leader, Executive Assistant and Coach present to enhance and build a better working partnership. Just get in touch for more details!

‘I cannot express how valuable I found The Strategic Executive Assistant course to be on both days, I couldn’t wait to get to work today to kick start the new me!
I already have implemented some of the thinking and approach to how I work with my team and exec around the models you shared and can already see the long term positive impact it will have.
I found both the content and delivery to be truly inspiring, insightful, validating and of a very high standard. It was such an honour and a privilege to be a part of it. It’s great to find development opportunities for individuals like myself who are passionate about the role and understand that it can be so much more than what people think. It was also really refreshing to be around like minded individuals who really care.’

EA, Recent course graduate